Totally not dead. Seriously!

So where have I been? Nowhere. Locked down at home (and during that there was 17 weeks straight with my kids at home, we ALL got sick of seeing the same four walls and the same faces 24/7 for that long). I have been having some serious issues with my back, and recently had yet […]

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Locked Down. AGAIN!

So here we are again, second wave lockdown is here. Just in time to have my kids at home for the whole school holidays. For MY sanity, I have found a few free games on Xbox game pass to play. Finding fallout 4 and fallout 76 for free has given me a chance to engage […]

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Pin Badges at home.

This is not a home business type project, this is more just me having a bit of fun building physical versions of my design ideas. Sure, I can sell them through my Etsy store, but it was more a chance to try out something I have wanted to do for ages. Plus it gives me […]

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2020: What a hell of a year!

Well it started out with the whole country being on fire. Then we had floods and the Covid19 virus hit, then the toilet paper shortage. So how has the massive shutdown of the country and industry affected me? Well I didn’t work for more than six months in my regular job. But it did mean […]

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